Third Annual End Child Poverty & Child Care Virtual Advocacy Day
January 19, 2022

(Click the Vimeo Logo on the bottom right-hand side of the video to watch in full screen view):


Social Media:

Advocate Packet

Legislative Meetings

For Those Participating in Legislative Meetings

Here is the Master Google Drive Spreadsheet  . You can see which offices are covered and join in on the meetings if interested.  If you are not able to access the Google Doc, please let CAPPA know.

Grassroots Training

Thank you to Ericka Erickson, Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) and Puneet Purewal, CAPPA, for facilitating the Grassroots Training!  This is a 20 minute Advocate Training and "prep-talk" on what to expect in the meetings, what you are sharing, and how every person and viewpoint in the meeting is important. Please watch that below, or use this link to watch:
Advocacy Training PowerPoint

About the Event

On January 19, 2022, we're coming together as advocates--child care, food programs, safety net, and anti-poverty champions--for our annual “Child Care and End Child Poverty CA Advocacy Day.” Our economic landscape has shifted significantly.  That shift has had a direct impact on families, children and community partners. Let's raise our unified voices in support of California's kids and families. The needs are urgent and we want to provide meaningful data and information that can support knowledgeable legislative decision making and budget positioning.  On January 19th, we'll advocate for budget proposals that keep families fed, support access of families to NEW child care slots, keep family child care and centers open, and commit to lifting families out of poverty. The pandemic has put the focus on many safety net programs.  We will use this opportunity of coming together to share with legislators the impacts being seen and felt in the field from struggling families pleading for some relief.  Recovery in our state can only be realized when we make the priorities of families the priorities of all of us.  Don't miss this impactful day of action!

Schedule of Events

Currently, all events will take place virtually. A packet of information and will be sent prior to 1/19.  

9:30 am - 9:45 am: Welcome and Opening Remarks

- Gina Fromer, Children's Council of San Francisco
- Ted Lempert, Children Now

9:45 am - 10:00 am:  Safety Net Champions

Senator Connie Leyva
- Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva

10:00 am -11:00 am: 
Overview of the Governor's Proposed 2022/23 Budget; What has the Governor proposed and where are our opportunities? 

 - Lupe Jaime-Mileham, EdD, Deputy Director, Child Care and Development Division, California Department of Social Services 
- Erin Gabel, California Assembly Budget Committee
- Kristin Schumacher, California Budget & Policy Center

11:00 am-4:00 pm:
Legislative Visits (these were scheduled on own- see more information in "Legislative Meetings" above)

A Big Thank you to our Event Sponsors!